Sometimes now is the moment

Sometimes now is the moment

Sometimes now is the moment
When life comes your way
At you from all sides
And you're trapped in too many moments
Except in your own

When the world is rushing around you
With too many moments in the day
And it gives a feeling of time
With opposing emotions
That it goes by too quickly
As if every new moment of now
Just like yesterday's
A past in which you are held captive by everything and everyone

As a result, your self-esteem is forgotten
And within yourself only emptiness can be found In an eerie silence

With mirrors for self-esteem
But which cannot be looked at
Through the dust of that time
The cracks that life has given
And the scratches and dents as the only visible part

At that moment you have to decide something important

What few people dare to do
Because fear doesn't allow it
Whether the suffocation of society gives you priority

With the death of one's own soul in the bargain

At that moment

Stand still

Go back to yourself

Rediscover your own value

It will give your life an extra shine

In which you can slowly see yourself again
No more the fractures in your own soul

But your own strength
What was there all along

But you never wanted to see

Your own heart

The choice you make

How you want to live your life
And whatever your life is like
The society

And everything in the world

Loss for someone else
Never your own heart
Keep believing in your own strength

Sometimes now is the moment


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